Sunday, February 27, 2011

Key West Farewell

February 27, 2011

When I arrived in Key West on January 10th, it was my intention to stay a week or so. Well here it is the end of February and I'm still here. I have simply fallen in love with the place. Key West is full of history, art, music, film, food, beaches, bars, bicycles and a tropical laid back gaiety unlike anywhere else that I've ever been in this country. Passing the winter here has been so delightfully easy that I now find myself very reluctant to leave.  This morning I received an email from AGLCA concerning a lecture in Marathon on navigation and anchorages along the Eastern Seaboard between Marathon, FL and Norfolk, VA.  That seemed to be right on target with my needs so I took it as a reason to extricate myself from this self-inflicted paradise. It would take next to nothing, however, to talk me into staying another week or two.

The biggest event of the day in Key West is celebrating the sunset. Thousands of people assemble daily in Mallory Square to watch. Over the course of the last several days I've been photographing the people, vendors and street performers there.  Attached are a sampling of these images.